Living in Hawaii, I often hear the good-natured, but sarcastic statements about "suffering for Jesus in Maui," usually followed by "Yeah, right!" I get accused of surfing for Jesus more than suffering. Just in case you have ever wondered, let me clear the air on this topic. It is often sinful-feeling to be able to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of a place like this while serving our Lord, but it is still ministry, nonetheless. I enjoy meeting people from around the world on a daily basis and helping them grow in their relationship with Christ. I may speak with millionaires and homeless in the same converation or teach the Bible to the highly educated and illiterate together. I may share Christ with the addicts of drugs and alcohol or the addicts of surfing and laziness at the same time with both of them looking for the Deliverer of their addictions. There are many more examples, but I think you can realize that ministry is whatever God has us doing according to His will in the places where He has placed us. As I go about "ministry" today, I hope God blesses yours, too.
Aloha -