If you're like me this morning, you're not quite sure of the direction of the future of our country. Don't misunderstand my point - it's not because of who is elected to the positions of leadership in our country, but because of the division in our country of our people. Many people are polarized to the degree that if their party or candidate is not in office, they can't see anything positive about the future. Not only do they remain negative in their minds, but also in their words to others. It is though the US revolves around either Democrat or Republican and the two have no common middle ground. Our prayers are to be for our leaders regardless of party afiliation, but also for our nation. Join me in prayer that this division will be healed before our next elections and that we can think and vote clearly according to God's choice and not our party's. We are still His people, so remain faithful to pray for our country and her return to God through revival.
Aloha -