Today is Wendy's birthday! She had to go back to work today because the teachers and staff take these few days to get everything ready before the kids go back to school, but hopefully she'll enjoy her day.
Birthdays have a different feel to them as the years go by - When you're young, you even remind everyone that you're halfway to your birthday, as in, "I'm seven AND A HALF!" When you're into double digits for the first few years, you can't wait to tell someone when you're into the teens, like it comes with privileges - "I'm fourTEEN!" When you reach the twenties, you can't wait to let everyone know that you're aging, but not very quickly, like - "Man, I am TWENTY-two years old!" By the thirties, you're still smiling when your kids come crashing into your bedroom to wake you up for your birthday breakfast in bed with burnt toast and some kind of juice concoction that looks remniscent of tang, tea and some other familiar liquid, but not quite right. By the forties, you try to forget that it's your birthday until someone reminds you by saying, "Hey, isn't your birthday coming around soon?"
Oh, well - enjoy your day even if it's not your birthday, or maybe because it's not!
Happy Birthday, Wendy and I love you bunches! Big bunches!
Aloha -