I'm not sure if I'm just mellowing out or if it has something to do with Maui, but Monday mornings aren't a stressful time of day any longer. For instance, I left the house in Wendy's car this morning to take the kids to school and head to the office. I realized after I left the house and began the 15 minute ride into town that I did not have my office keys. Hmmm - I thought they must be in my truck where I always leave them. Wendy took my truck to school this morning so I'll swing into the school after dropping off the kids and get my keys. Great plan. I drove to her school, shot a shaka at Uncle Harold (the crossing guard) and parked along with all of the many moms and dads that were making the "child drop" at Kam III school. After walking onto the grounds and finding the truck, I rummaged through it only to find that I couldn't find my keys. Ha - Back to the car I go with the plan just to go on to the office because I know that Andy will be there (he's always really early) and I'll borrow his keys. Pulling into the church - what, no Andy, yet. Hmmm - back to the drawing board. I also need my key to the rest room, by this time. Ok. Back to the house I go. The traffic is fair - I caught a couple of lights. I get to the house and located my keys in my briefcase that I should've taken to the office in the first place. What - now the phone is ringing. On the phone, back in the car, heading to the office - can I forget something else? Oh - I have to stop by the post office and the bank because they are open now after all of this driving around Lahaina. I ran my errands, picked up an Arizona green tea and I'm now in the office writing this to you and you know what - It's a great day. I have meetings and appointments and emails and letters and phone messages and I have to take Wendy's car to the mechanic and whatever else may come along, but it's all going to be just fine. What has happened? Have I mellowed out? I'm not sure, but I really don't feel a need to worry about it. I'll leave that to someone else. Join me in a blessed day.
Aloha -