Tuesday, June 23, 2009

You know it's summer when...

... you notice the neighborhood kids that couldn't seem to get up to go to school are up at dawn to ride their skateboards in your driveway.
... you can tell exactly what grass doesn't get hit by the sprinklers.
... you suddenly feel the urge to eat half of an ice-cold watermelon.
... you see your child's teacher in the supermarket and nothing could wipe the smile off of their faces.
... you can get a discount at the local golf course if you play between noon and 3 pm.
... you see the Vacation Bible School signs up at all of the local churches.
It's VBS time again and we have been blessed to have a mission team from FBC of Portland Texas with us. They have enjoyed good weather and great kids and we have enjoyed their hard work and enthusiasm. Mahalo to Pastor Josh and his crew for their aloha to us. We're looking to a great week for the Lord. Hope you have one, too.
Aloha -

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh My!!

Wow - it has been a while since my last post and where has the time gone? Sometimes weeks can fly by, you know like when you're on vacation and you think you have plenty of time and... BOOM - you're packing up to go back home! But, time also has a way of dragging, like when you're waiting on a phone call or when you're in the doctor's office waiting to be called to see the doc, or when you're reading my blog! Hope you have a great week and we'll find time another day to talk -
Aloha -