Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Worthwhile Struggle

Watching the Olympics, I am reminded of the struggle that these athletes subject themselves to for just a few short minutes of competition. Years of training, healthy eating, workout regiments, responding to coaches, traveling to meets and competitions, being alone at times or just away from family and friends - the list goes on and on. Even though all of this preparation comes for just a few brief moments of true action, to the athlete that is in the competition, it is all worthwhile. There may be a medal on the line or for some, just the opportunity to compete, but it all takes a great deal of effort. I pray that God will help me to understand the need I have to prepare with zeal and passion for the moments that He chooses for me to serve Him becuase they are all worthwhile. Have a blessed day in your training or competition for Team JESUS!
Aloha -

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