Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is it Monday, again?

(read this in your best Andy Rooney impression...)  
Have you ever spilled your coffee on your computer mouse and keyboard before you even took your first sip?  Have you ever tried to write a blogpost and your fingers didn;t want to type the keys that your brain was choosing?  Have you ever woke up in the morning just to find out that it's actually your third try?  Have you ever had one of those days that feels like a Monday even though it's not?
(back to my voice...)
Well, if you never have, I'm here to tell you that I'm in the middle of one of those days now!  I've been a little bit busy, so I've skipped the past few days of posts - I missed a meeting this morning in Kihei - I'm trying to work on Sunday message stuff - I'm waiting on another two meetings for today - and I just can't seem to get out of low gear.  
I hope you have better luck that I have had this morning.  But, God is still in control, so I'm not the least bit concerned about the rest of the day.  Be blessed, ya'll!
Aloha - 

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