Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Life is a true adventure -

Lately in our Sunday morning messages, we have been looking at the search for the secret to the abundant life in Christ - we have compared the search to the Indiana Jones movies and his search for the incredible treasures and what an adventure he finds along the way.  Likewise, our abundant life in Christ is really an incredible adventure of following His way everyday.
Whenever we finally can come to grips with the idea that we are to be in a super close harmony with the Holy Spirit in everything, life becomes this great journey with God.  The battle of our flesh - our desires, ideas, plans, habits, etc. can easily lead us back into a routine of 'Christian' life that is defeating instead of liberating.  So, stop it!
Today, my prayer for you is that God would break you free from yourself so you can live the adventure.  No guns, bullwhips, fedora hats - just Him.  Have fun and be blessed!
Aloha -

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