Monday, September 17, 2012

It's about where you are!

It's another beautiful day on Maui. For those of us who are blessed to call Maui our home, we enjoy this every day. But, it can have it's disadvantages. Or in other words, we can get complacent about it. 
Somedays, I drive around and just see plain Maui - you know, the daily routine of life. Go here; do this; stop at the post office; get a cup of coffee - whatever, etc. But then - I catch a glimpse of a rainbow on the mountains, or a really nice face on a wave breaking and I'm instantly reminded of how beautiful this place really is! 
Life everywhere in Christ is equally beautiful because we are where He wants us to be. Break the routine of your day by recognizing the beauty in where you are - catch a glimpse of a friendly smile or a kind gesture - How beautiful your place really is, too!
I'm glad that we will be complete when we arrive in Heaven
We won't have to worry about being reminded of how beautiful Heaven is. No chance for complacency to settle in our hearts! Remember that wherever you are, God has placed you there to be about His kingdom's work and to be His witness. So, recognize the beauty of your place and have a great day!

Aloha -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. So glad that I get to spend all those mornings with you!!