Friday, September 26, 2008


Do you ever hear a story from someone that seems really important and powerful to them, but you just kinda say, "huh?" It's like you don't see what the big deal is - but then, what do you do? Have you ever honestly stated that you don't get it? Or have you nodded and produced this serious, thoughful look on your face to fake them out and make them think that you get it? Or looked concerned on the outside, but on the inside you thought that this was the stupidest thing you've ever heard? Or even shruggged and said, 'Wow' and just let it roll on. Before you answer, look in the mirror and record your own response to my questions - I bet your thinking something like this now! - Ha! I knew it! Go on your way and be blessed in knowing that God knows your heart and you can't fake Him out. And He loves you anyway.
Aloha -

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