Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Did I ever tell you about the time...

Not long ago, a friend gave us a dvd of Christian comedians called "Thou shalt Laugh." All were funny, but one, Michael Jr. really cracked me up. One of his jokes was about how people seem to be finished with their conversation, when the words, "Did I ever tell you about the time..." come from their lips and a whole new conversation begins all over again. He related that to his pastor saying, "In conclusion, - did I ever tell you about the time..." to which he replied, "Pastor, did I tell you what time the football game was coming on?" I started thinking - blogs are like saying, "did I ever tell you about the time.." except it never ends. God has given us a new technological opportunity to share our amazing stories about Him in our daily lives and we can always go on to more. If you get a chance, pass your stories on to me - I would love to hear them. Some of you already have blogs, so send me your link and I want to catch up on what God's doing in your life. Have a blessed day and we'll talk again soon.
Aloha -

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