Thursday, October 2, 2008

Abundant Living

You may have seen the video of Matt, the guy that travels the globe to dance. Here is the clip from his 2008 journeys, if you haven't seen it yet. One thing I noticed in Matt's video is that he seems to have not any problems in getting individuals to join him. His objective is to dance a silly little dance, but it draws others into joining him because of the lack of fear that he shares and their desire to be involved with something that appears to be fun and unhindered. Why can't our lives in Christ be so contagious? Are we afraid to live unhindered by man's points-of-view and live openly in the power of the Holy Spirit? Is the life in Christ supposed to be joyous and stress-less? Can our love of the abundant life in Christ be contagious or infectious to the world around us? I hope this video can inspire you to live joyfully in Christ. Dance blessed today.
Aloha -

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